How do i obtain a certificate of my shares?
INCOME–TAX CERTIFICATE: Enter our Web page and click on the INVESTOR option, then click on Income–Tax Cert. To generate the certificate, enter the information requested:
Type of Document
Identification Number
Deceval account number.
If you do not know your DECEVAL account number, please call the DECEVAL Shareholder toll–free hotline by dialing 01–8000–111–901 within Colombia. For calls outside of Colombia, the number, which is not toll free, is (571) 307–7127.
CERTIFICATE OF DEPOSIT: Please call the DECEVAL Shareholder toll–free hotline by dialing 01–8000–111–901 within Colombia, requesting your Certificate of Deposit. For calls outside of Colombia, the number, which is not toll free, is (571) 307–7127.
How go i get information regarding my shares, amount, dividens and other data?
As administrator of the Grupo Nutresa S. A. shares, DECEVAL is responsible for the comprehensive management of the shares. Please call the DECEVAL Shareholder toll–free hotline by dialing 01–8000–111–901 within Colombia. For calls outside of Colombia, the number, which is not toll free, is (571) 307–7127. Once you have been identified as a shareholder or proxy, you will receive information regarding the number of shares that you own, the dividends to be paid and how you can receive them.
Where are my shares?
The shares of Grupo Nutresa S. A. shareholders are dematerialized and registered in DECEVAL.
When are dividens paid?
Grupo Nutresa S. A. dividends are paid between the 15th and the 25th day of each month. They may be requested in any Bancolombia branch office, presenting your original Cédula.
How are my dividends paid?
Grupo Nutresa S. A. pays dividends by crediting an account registered with DECEVAL, through a Bancolombiabranch office, or throughy its direct depositor (stock broker).
To register your bank account, you must fill out FORM F–324 (New Information for Dividend Payments–Novedad para Pago de Dividendos), available on the DECEVAL Web page clicking on the tab Forms–Forms/Shareholders.
This form must be completed in its entirety, without corrections or erasures; the content of the document and your signature must be recognized by a notary public.
Please attach the following documents with your FORM F–324:
An enlarged (150%) notarized photocopy of the shareholder’s identification documents and those of the account holder (if applicable).
If the shareholder is a minor, the proxy and/or the guardian must attach the documents that indicate this authorization (a certified copy of the child’s Civil Register of Birth and/or a Power of Attorney, authenticated by a notary public).
If the owner of the shares is a legal entity, a copy of the Certificate of Existence and Legal Representation must be attache, which may not have more than thirty (30) calendar days since its issuance. A notarized photocopy of the legal representative’s identification document must also be attached.
Form F–324 and the attachments must be sent to the DECEVAL offices, located at Carrera 43A No. 1–99; Medellín, Colombia.
How can i sell my Grupo Nutresa shares?
There are two (2) ways in which to sell your shares:
1. Through stock brokerages that have a contract of mandate. This type of operation is known as a STOCK PURCHASE AND SALE OPERATION.
2. The second way is to make a direct sale to a person or company in an operation that is called an OTC (OVER–THE–COUNTER) STOCK PURCHASE AND SALE OPERATION.
This second way is not carried out through a stock brokerage company, since its amount may not exceed SIXTY–SIX THOUSAND (66,000) Real–Value Units (Unidad de Valor Real, UVR for its acronym in Spanish). To conduct this transaction, please use FORM F–349 (Over–the–Counter) Stock Purchase and Sale Operation), which may be downloaded from the DECEVAL Web page clicking on the tab Forms–Forms/Shareholders.
This form must be completed in its entirety, without corrections or erasures, along with the documents indicated in the section at the bottom of the form. It must be signed by both the seller as well as the purchaser, and the content and both signatures must be recognized by a notary public.
In addition, if the purchaser does not have a deposit account with DECEVAL, he or she must complete FORM F–313(if it is a person) or FORM F–314 (if it is a legal entity).
The shareholder may validate the balance of shares that he or she has, by calling the DECEVAL Shareholder toll–free hotline by dialing 01–8000–111–901 within Colombia. For calls outside of Colombia, the number, which is not toll free, is (571) 307–7127
The respective Form and attachments must be sent to the DECEVAL offices, located at Carrera 43A No. 1–99; Medellín, Colombia.
The issuer of my shares is my direct depositor. How can I sell them through a stock broker?
First, complete FORM F–394 (Request for a Depositor Change), available on the DECEVAL Web page clicking on the tab Forms–Forms/Shareholders.
The form must be filled out in its entirety, without corrections or erasures, together with an enlarged photocopy (150%) of the identification document; it must also comply with the following specifications:
Complete the authorization to transfer the shares with your new direct depositor. To do this, the direct depositor must accept the transfer of your shares in Section 4 of the form.
The form must be filled out in its entirety and legibly.
You must attach the required documents listed in the section regarding the attachments to this form.
No documents will be received with corrections or deletions.
This original document is the only one which will be accepted.
How do i change the direct depositor?
Complete FORM F–394 (Request for a Depositor Change), available on the DECEVAL Web page clicking on the tab Forms–Forms/Shareholders.
The form must be filled out in its entirety, without corrections or erasures, together with an enlarged photocopy (150%) of the identification document; it must also comply with the following specifications:
Complete the authorization to transfer the shares with your new direct depositor. To do this, the direct depositor must accept the transfer of your shares in Section 4 of the form.
The form must be filled out in its entirety and legibly.
You must attach the required documents listed in the section regarding the attachments to this form.
No documents will be received with corrections or deletions.
This original document is the only one which will be accepted.
If the shareholder is of legal age, attach a legible copy of his or her identification document, which has been enlarged to 150%.
If the shareholder is a minor, the proxy and/or the guardian must attach the documents that indicate this authorization (a certified copy of the child’s Civil Register of Birth and/or a Power of Attorney, authenticated by a notary public) and a photocopy of the legal representative’s identification document.
What do i do with the certificate of shares that i have?
The Grupo Nutresa S. A. shares circulate in a dematerialized manner; this means that the physical certificates are no longer valid. Please see the next question: WHAT IS A DEMATERIALIZED SHARE?
What is a dematerialized share?
DEMATERIALIZATION: The suppression of paper securities.
DEMATERIALIZED SHARE: This is a share that is not physically represented in a security–paper–but is a certificate issued by the entity that provides management and custody services of the shares.
What is deceval?
The Central Securities Depository(Depósito Centralizado de Valores de Colombia–DECEVAL S. A.) is an entity authorized to receive securities, financial instruments and securities that are not found or are not registered in the National Registry of Securities and Intermediaries (Registro Nacional de Valores e Intermediarios), that are issued in Colombia or abroad, to administer them using a high–technology, safe computerized system, which mitigates the risks associated with the physical handling of transfers, registrations, exercising economic rights, etc. This ensures ownership of the securities in custody for investors registered in the system, under the principal of good–faith registration.
DECEVAL S. A. is empowered to receive physical certificates on behalf of direct depositors and to store them in high–security vaults, allowing their dematerialized circulation through electronic records.
DECEVAL S. A. is headquartered in the city of Bogotá, D. C., and has branch offices in Medellín and Cali.
How do i update my data?
Complete FORM F–313 (Sole Registration or Updating of Data for Persons) or FORM F–314 (Sole Registration or Updating of Data for Legal Entities), available on the DECEVAL Web page clicking on the tab Forms–Forms/Shareholders.
The form must be filled out in its entirety, without corrections or erasures, together with the attachments indicated therein.
The respective Form and attachments must be sent to the DECEVAL offices, located at Carrera 43A No. 1–99; Medellín, Colombia.
What documents are required for a transfer from a succesion?
A copy of the Colombian Citizenship Card (Cédula de Ciudadanía) of the heirs.
An Out–of–Court Statement (Declaración Extrajuicio) or FORM F–ME–GQ–322, TRANSFER BY SUCCESSION OF THE DOMAIN OF THE SHARES and attachments (with recognition of the signatures of all the heirs by a notary public). This Form is available on the DECEVAL Web page clicking on the tab Forms–Forms/Shareholders (Formatos–Formatos/Accionistas).
A notarized photocopy of the Civil Register of Birth of the heirs and those necessary to prove the relationship with the deceased.
An original or notarized photocopy of the declaration of marital union or an original or notarized photocopy of two (2) out–of–court statements from third parties regarding the marital union.
A notarized photocopy of the Civil Register of Matrimony.
A notarized photocopy of the Death Certificate.
A copy of the Colombian Citizenship Card (Cédula de Ciudadanía) of the heirs, the legal representative or proxy, as the case may be. In the case of foreign shareholders, please provide a photocopy of your State Driver’s License or the biographic page of your Passport.
A notarized photocopy of the Public Deed of Succession.
A copy of the judicial judgment of the succession.
A Certificate of Existence and Legal Representation, issued by the respective Chamber of Commerce, in the case of a company or the corresponding document certifying such existence, if it is another entity.
What documents are required for a transfer from a donation?
A Donation Contract or FORM F–ME–GQ–323, TRANSFER OF SHARES THROUGH A DONATION and attachments (with recognition of the signatures by a notary public). This Form is available on the DECEVAL Web page clicking on the tab Forms–Forms/Shareholders.
A copy of the Colombian Citizenship Card (Cédula de Ciudadanía) of the donor, the donee, the Legal Representative or proxy.
A notarized photocopy of the Civil Register of Birth when one of the parties is a minor.
An original copy of a Special Power of Attorney, with recognition of the signature before a notary public or a notarized photocopy of the General Power of Attorney granted by the shareholder to a third party to celebrate, on the shareholder’s behalf, the Donation Contract. A Certificate regarding the validity of the Power of Attorney, no more than one (1) month from the date of issue, must also be attached.
A notarized photocopy of the Public Deed of the Notarial Insinuation or its equivalente before a court (only if, at the time the Donation Contract is signed before a notary public, the amount of the shares or the bonds that may be converted into shares which are the object of the contract exceed the amount of FIFTY (50) valid legal monthly salaries (Sueldo Mensual Legal Vigente, SMLV for its acronym in Spanish).
A Certificate of Existence and Legal Representation, issued by the respective Chamber of Commerce, in the case of a company or the corresponding document certifying such existence, if it is another entity.
How do i transfer my shares to a stock brokerage firm?
First, complete FORM F–394 (Request for a Depositor Change), available on the DECEVAL Web page clicking on the tab Forms–Forms/Shareholders.
The form must be filled out in its entirety, without corrections or erasures, together with an enlarged photocopy (150%) of the identification document and comply with the following specifications:
Complete the authorization to transfer the shares with your new direct depositor. To do this, the direct depositor must accept the transfer of your shares in Section 4 of the form.
The form must be filled out in its entirety and legibly.
You must attach the required documents listed in the section regarding the attachments to this form.
No documents will be received with corrections or deletions.
This original document is the only one which will be accepted.