Sustainability Strategy

Sustainability is Grupo Nutresa’s framework of action, and it is based on the search for people’s progress through the comprehensive development of their capabilities, food security and inclusion-driven businesses, as well as on the preservation of our planet by means of circular solutions, eco-efficiency and responsible sourcing. The preservation of the natural capital and the progress of the social capital are major priorities for Grupo Nutresa and they are directly related to the Organization’s ability to manage the businesses while meeting the expectations and needs of all stakeholders.


In this sense, the Organization manages the risks, capitalizes on the opportunities, constantly strengthens its value chain, improves the quality of its products, enhances the experiences and services it provides, and achieves a level of excellence in its corporate governance practices.


Board Of Directors Senior Management team

Our vision is based on a sustainable development framework with goals that drive our commitment to creating shared value and preserving the planet for future generations.


Our 2020-2030 plan proposes doubling once again our sales with returns greater than the cost of capital. It is based on the three pillars of sustainable development: enhancing the cooperation with people, partners and society; promoting the preservation of the planet; and encouraging growth, development and innovation. To achieve these objectives, we will continue strengthening our strategic capabilities and building trust-based relationships and cooperation with our stakeholders.