


Grupo Nutresa launches its Higher Education Scholarship Program

2 May, 2024

In Grupo Nutresa, we are convinced that university education is essential to advance towards a future filled with opportunities and personal growth. That is why the Company not only offers high quality products, but also creates tangible opportunities to enable everyone to gain access to higher education.

Nutresa Scholarships
The Nutresa Scholarship Program, deployed in partnership with Universidad EAFIT, includes 200 scholarships, 195 of which are intended for young high school graduates from communities of socio-economic classes 1, 2 and 3, with particular emphasis on women. The other five scholarships will be granted twice a year to active EAFIT students who stand out for their academic excellence and leadership.

This is a major opportunity for those who are ready to take the next step in their education path and start their university experience.

The Nutresa Scholarships enhance the future of the youth with benefits that include:
-100% of the registration and tuition.
-The possibility to submit their application to mentorship processes and internship scenarios in Grupo Nutresa.

How can I submit my application?
Learn how to submit your application (no later than May 13, 2024) at:
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