


Grupo Nutresa participated in the 2024 Deeper Learning Latin America event

21 June, 2024

Grupo Nutresa was part of the 1 st edition of Deeper Learning Latin America, an event
that gathered approximately 880 teachers and education leaders from across the
country through creation scenarios centered on re-imagining and implementing
significant changes in education.

In a period of three days, thirty-four immersions, forty-four laboratories and multiple
conversations and conferences where organized and held, thus producing a positive impact
on the transformation of our country’s education models.

Live conversations: the Company and the open-door school

Represented by Alberto Hoyos Lopera, President of Compañía de Galletas Noel S. A.S., the Organization participated in the “Conversación Viva: La Empresa y la Escuela de Puertas Abiertas” (Live Conversation: The Company and the Open-Door School) event, where we were able to chat with Andrea Escobar Vilá (Executive Director of Fundación Empresarios por la Educación –Entrepreneurs for Education Foundation–, Robinson Salazar (Teacher at the Colegio Loyola Education Institution focused on science and innovation), María Mercedes Barrera (Executive Director of the Sura Foundation) and Juliana Kairuz (Finance and Expansion Leader at Cosmo School) about the importance of the companies’ participation in the country’s education based on a vision of mutual support and contribution. It is worth highlighting initiatives such as the CUEE (University-Company-Government Committee), as an endeavor that creates value for society in a systemic and comprehensive manner.

Inspiring immersion: Innovation in action! Let’s overcome challenges from multiple perspectives

With support from Grupo Nutresa’s team of innovation promoters, the teachers explored the innovation principles, methods and tools that enable them to address and overcome challenges in the school setting from a holistic perspective, integrating both creativity and efficacy. By learning these methodologies deployed in the school communities, people are able to develop innovative solutions that help to solve the social problems found today in society.

In this activity, five tangible ideas were drawn from more than 100 initial proposals in a collaborative endeavor with thirty-two people, including teachers, academic directors and innovation agents from the education institutions of multiple regions across the country.

Nutresa Stand: Education for Society

A space was designed based on interactive and fun learning methodologies for the attendees. This allowed strengthening the awe, talking about dropout rates in Colombian education and asking questions about the active role of the teachers in achieving the improvement and transformation of secondary education in our country.

Teachers who transcend in the educational mission | ‘21 st Century Leaders’ Education Project

Within the framework of the event, we fostered a favorable environment for gathering strategic partners, teachers and academic directors from Cundinamarca, Cauca and Risaralda, who are connected with the ‘21 st Century Leaders’ Education Project, in order to heighten and acknowledge their work on and commitment to the improvement of school management.

The gathering included the inspiring participation of Alexis Velásquez, who talked about perseverance and coherence as relevant features for being school leaders who produce a positive impact on the communities.

Learning Laboratory: Hands on the chocolate, led by the Cordillera brand

The Learning Laboratory titled ‘Hands on the chocolate’ was an exciting gathering focused on experiencing through all five senses. The attendees were able to explore key skills to strengthen their collaboration, communication and trustworthiness, which are necessary capabilities for the development of all aspects of learning.

A lesson for the future. Learning for sustainable development

With this experience, the Organization has been brought even closer to the sustainable development goals and explored through diverse resources how to inspire children to take action for a better future.

Live conversations: Disruptive classrooms and environments; teachings from relentless teachers

With the leadership of Luis Felipe Salazar Ll, Fundación Nutresa’s Executive Director, the Organization moderated the ‘Disruptive classrooms and environments: teachings from relentless teachers’ discussion panel in collaboration with Ximena Payet Castro (Secondary Education Pedagogical Coordinator at Colegio Áleph), Vicky Colbert (Executive Director of the “Escuela Nueva” Foundation), Álvaro Gómez (Academic Vice Principal of UPB –Medellín Campus–), Marta Martínez (Specialization and Neurodevelopment and Learning Master’s Degree Coordinator at CES University) with the aim of exploring the importance of education quality and the transforming impact of disruptive environments to continue driving innovation in the classrooms.

The Organization held a talk session with Flor Yamile Munoz Jaramillo (Human Management Manager at Noel), Catalina Cock Duque (Co-Founder and President of the ‘Mi Sangre’ Foundation) and Sandra Elisa Arango Maya (Principal of the ‘Jorge Robledo’ Education Institution) to foster a productive conversation. The talk session was titled: The path to build trust, about some methods for creating lasting, constructive and trustworthy relations among human beings within the country’s Organizations and education institutions.

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