


Press and media

Grupo Nutresa promotes the prosperity of the communities, the planet and theindustries by implementing good practices and adequately managing the naturalresources along the entire value chain and with our stakeholders.
“Recycling Together, Nutresa Retoma” transcends itsborders to preserve the planet We are committed to reducing the waste output and maximizing its recovery andreuse in all our operations and along the…
Inspiring and transcending through cocoa! Having brands with a purpose represents the opportunity to establish a connectionbetween our brands and the needs and expectations of the communities andconsumers, thus producing…
The Organization believes in sustainable agricultural and livestock development andin the collaborative efforts with our value chain partners focused on achieving highlevels of productivity and competitiveness. Additionally, the Company promotes…
Grupo Nutresa promotes a work culture that respects people’s rights and freedom without distinction as to race, ethnic heritage, gender, language, religion, political opinion, nationality, economic position or sexual orientation…
We keep making progress in the incorporation ofsustainable innovation in our communities! The ‘Aprende y Emprende con Atenea’ (Learn and undertake with Athena)Innovation BootCamp was held on February 20. This…
Grupo Nutresa is convinced that young people are the engine of transformation andprogress. That is why, through our Foundation and in partnership with the USAID andthe Acertar Foundation, we develop…
Grupo Nutresa believes in volunteering as a development scenario, that is why we work onpartnerships and initiatives that make it possible to put the solidarity and human talent ofour Nutresa…
After being honored in December 2023 as the most sustainable food company in the World and Emerging Markets –MILA– Indices, Grupo Nutresa has been once again included in the S&P…
According to the results of the DJSI Sustainability Index 2023, which were published today, Grupo Nutresa maintains its top position as the most sustainable food company in both the World…
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